class Tourmaline::BusinessConnection
inherits Reference
Describes the connection of the bot with a business account.
Included modules
#can_reply=(can_reply : Bool)
(can_reply : Bool)
True, if the bot can act on behalf of the business account in chats that were active in the last 24 hours
#can_reply? : Bool
: Bool
True, if the bot can act on behalf of the business account in chats that were active in the last 24 hours
#user=(user : Tourmaline::User)
(user : Tourmaline::User)
Business account user that created the business connection
#user_chat_id : Int32 | Int64
: Int32 | Int64
Identifier of a private chat with the user who created the business connection. This number may have more than 32 significant bits and some programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. But it has at most 52 significant bits, so a 64-bit integer or double-precision float type are safe for storing this identifier.
#user_chat_id=(user_chat_id : Int32 | Int64)
(user_chat_id : Int32 | Int64)
Identifier of a private chat with the user who created the business connection. This number may have more than 32 significant bits and some programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. But it has at most 52 significant bits, so a 64-bit integer or double-precision float type are safe for storing this identifier.